Friday, February 5, 2010

What is this all about?

Chayse is twelve and old enough to babysit. So many people have asked about her babysitting, most of them wanting her on a Friday, that we decided to open a little Friday night "evening care". I know when I had to look for babysitters every week I got tired of it. Now all you will have to do is log on, check availability, and sign up. Then you can drop your kids off for dinner and the mess @ our house. Met, Ashton and I will also be helping  in the effort. Our first Friday will be February 26th. Thank Goodness Its Friday Night Babysitting. 


  1. $5/hour for my kids??? For all THREE?? I'm thinking I'm getting a deal for that. Todd and I really should think about getting out more often.

  2. Hip, hip, hooray! Sign us up for EVERY week!

    No seriously, Levi and I want to go on a date every other week, and take one of the kids on a date every other other week - so we'll have to budget in this most fabulous and messy service.

    PS Nice pic :)

  3. Wow! Is there an application to get accepted??! that sounds great. Maybe if Robby every has a Friday night off, we will try and book the evening with chayse!
